4 Ways to Eliminate Exercise Boredom

exercise boredom

Are you in an exercise rut? Regardless of how much you may enjoy working out, you might become bored with your gym routine occasionally. When this occurs, you need to take some proactive measures. Otherwise, you might start to dread the thought of putting on your workout gear and heading to the gym. If you want to fall in love with a good workout again, consider the following 4 ways to eliminate exercise boredom.

Eliminate Exercise Boredom

exercise boredomGet Out of Your Comfort Zone

Do you tend to play it safe at the gym? Perhaps, after entering your workout facility, you always venture directly to the treadmill. After 30 minutes of walking on the treadmill, you complete the same 30 minute strength training routine. If you can relate, you should get out of your comfort zone. Experimenting with different cardio machines and strength training exercises will likely make your workouts more interesting and challenging. If you visit your gym 3 times each week, consider completing 3 entirely different workouts. If the treadmill has been your gym security blanket, try other cardio machines such as:

  • An elliptical trainer
  • An adaptive motion trainer
  • A stationary bicycle
  • A stair stepping machine
  • A stairmill

Go Outside

Do you always workout indoors? If so, you may be able to end exercise boredom by moving your workouts outside. A comprehensive research study “found that outdoor exercise was associated with increased energy and revitalization, as well as decreased confusion, anger, depression and tension, when compared with exercising indoors.” Due to the beautiful mild weather associated with the spring months, now is a great time to add some outdoor exercise to your current routine. To enjoy your outdoor workouts, dress appropriately for the weather. Also, choose a safe outdoor environment to exercise in.

Be Competitive

If your workouts have been lackluster lately, you might benefit from becoming competitive at something active you’re good at. Some people enjoy exercising more when they are training for an upcoming competition of some sort. Regardless of the type of exercise you enjoy, you can probably find a suitable competition to train for. For instance, you can sign up for:

  • A half-marathon
  • A marathon
  • A triathlon
  • A 5K
  • An obstacle course
  • A trail race

If you can’t find an upcoming event that interests you, you may benefit from simply adding competitive elements to your daily workouts. For example, if it normally takes you 12 minutes to walk a mile on the treadmill, strive to walk an 11 minute mile. Once you accomplish this task, you can work on improving your performance time to 10 minutes.

Work with a Personal Trainer

One of the best ways to combat exercise boredom is by working with a personal trainer. This decision is especially beneficial for those with little exercise experience. A personal trainer can assess your current physical fitness level, consider your likes and dislikes, and design a customized program for you. Your unique program will be filled with fun exercises you will probably enjoy doing while you sculpt the body of your dreams.

If you work out regularly, the odds are good that you’ll eventually experience exercise boredom. However, you don’t have to let it derail your long-term fitness goals. Instead, participate in activities that will renew your affection for exercising at the gym.

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