6-Pack Abs: Tools to Help Sculpt Your Washboard
Certified personal trainer and professional bodybuilder, Blaire Rummel, gets you on the road to washboard bliss in this exciting new eBook jam-packed with everything you need to know about your sexy abs.
Ask 100 men and women whether or not they would like to see a more defined midsection and you’re going to get an overwhelming “YES!”
In this very special eBook, Blaire covers the structure of your abs and the muscles you will be working in the 10 amazing exercises that she and bodybuilder, Jayson Mitchell, demonstrate.
- Do you have to be skinny to see your abs?
- Should you be avoiding carbs?
- Do you have to do a million crunches to get great looking abs?
These answers to these questions as well as helpful tips on how to get the most out of your ab workouts are all in the eBook.
Exercises demonstrated in this eBook include:
- Planks
- Swiss Ball Rollout
- Bicycle Crunch
- Reverse Crunch
- TRX Pike
- and much more