One of the easiest ways to lose weight is to create a calorie deficit—consuming fewer calories than what your body uses to maintain its current weight. Research supports that you can lose an average of 1-2 pounds a week if you cut 500 calories a day out of your diet. You can also reach this 500-calorie deficit by adding exercise on a daily basis.
A steady 500-calorie deficit is an almost foolproof weight-loss strategy. And it actually can be easy! This is the most recommended and safest approach when it comes to dieting; a greater deficit can result in a drastic weight loss that you typically can’t maintain in the long run and could lead to major health problems.
Let’s go over five easy ways to cut 500 calories a day from your diet:
- Cut coffee creamer: Coffee creamers are like dessert for most of us, but they pack an average of 25-40 calories per 1 tablespoon serving. And most of us don’t pour just one serving into our coffee.
- Avoid drinking your calories: Sodas and juice add hundreds of calories a serving. Stick to water to drop calories quickly and speed up your metabolism. Add lemon to spruce up water for a bit more flavor if needed.
- Don’t eat in front of the TV: Mindless eating can wreak havoc on a diet. On average, people consume 250-300 calories more when they eat in front of the TV. Most of us eat far less when we’re paying attention.
- Skip the cheese: I love cheese, but I know that most types pack quite the calorie punch. If you have trouble avoiding cheese altogether, try sticking to individually packaged servings that are 100 calories or less.
- Measure snacks: Snacking between meals is okay and often recommended, but make sure you measure them. Nuts and chips pack an impressive 150-250 calories a serving, and it’s easy to double or triple (or quadruple) this amount in a sitting.